'Charles Perrault' Litho Engraving
by Andrew - Best - Leloir
France 1840s

Charles Perrault (12 January 1628 – 16 May 1703) was a French author,
known for fairy tales such as Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella.

Alexandre Gustave Adolphe Levasseur (1822-1859) was a French illustrator.

Atelier Andrew - Best - Leloir was an engravers' workshop founded in Paris around 1830
by John Andrew (1815-1870), Jean Best (1808–1879) and Isidore Leloir (1806-1881).
It is sometimes referred to simply as Atelier ABL. They worked mostly for Le Magasin pittoresque.

PrinterAtelier Andrew - Best - Leloir (Paris, France. 1st half of the 19th century)

Year: 1840s

Size123 x 154 mm

Conditions: A fold at bottom left corner and some light folds. Some yellowish spots due to the age of the paper rather than dirt. "De Perrault" written in pencil at the bottom.

Payment must be made within 3 days. / Il pagamento va effettuato entro 3 giorni.

In case you buy more than one note, please wait for the invoice before paying / In caso compriate più banconote, per favore prima di pagare aspettate l'invio della fattura

Do not hesitate to contact me in case you have any questions.

In caso di domande non esitate a contattarmi.