There is a difference between owning a Groo collection and owning a NM version of these comics. 

This 1st edition Trade Paperback / Graphic Novel is in PRISTINE condition and grade worthy if you choose to do so.  However, I am not a grader so please zoom in and judge for yourself.  I do not own or work in a comic store.  This Sergio Aragones GROO TPB comes from my private collection. It collects the 4 issue run of the Groo Hell on Earth series from 2009.  I bought this TPB off the shelf to collect it has NOT BEEN READ.  The TPB is FLATT and CRISP!  No dings, blemishes, or bends whatsoever!  This book still SMELLS brand new!  I have stored it safely with acid free E. Gerber Mylites Double Backed boards, and E. Gerber Mylites4 .4mm MYLAR bags in my pet free / smoke free home, well out of the reach of mendicants and pirates.........What Pirates?   Also, this TPB is guaranteed to be Cheese Dip free!  It will be shipped in the same protective cover I have kept it it in.

I have 100% positive feedback and would appreciate more if you are satisfied with this sale!

Thanks for lOOking!

PLEASE NOTE - ALL Grading is strictly Subjective -

I do my best to give an honest rating to my books after the years & years I've been collecting & selling.