My friend, I have been working for over a year to pull together a reasonably easy to understand book for reference with pricing of   cat's - eye marbles. I directed my attention to Ebay and Esty for obtaining marbles and individual contacts made through the two respectively. This was done so any armchair collector can browse. 

I believe just as machine made marbles was looked down on in the past, and are collected today, cat's - eye marbles are now coming of age.

    I had collected stamps for over 50 years before starting into the cat's - eye marble field. I am not trying to be anything more than a collector who likes cat's - eye marbles. I have tried to make pricing and identifying easier. I have not, for brevity's sake, included company histories or grading, which can be found online in many places. I hope this fill a gap in this area of collecting.    

I am now adding an updated price sheet, with an Updated, 8-page 2024 Price List completed 2-8-24.  It is updated and referenced to the catalog pages.   Thanks for looking. Please checkout my other items