Faulty Hard Drive Lot 2.5 x 72 500GB 1Tb WD Seagate Toshiba HGST Hitachi Samsung

72 Drives in total, all sold as faulty for spares or repairs. Some are dead, some are slow, others are noisy etc. All will have one or more of these faults. We are not responsible for any other faults found. 

1 x Toshiba 320GB
1 x Seagate 2TB
1 x HGST 1TB
1 x WD 1TB
30 x Seagate 1TB
9 x Toshiba 1TB
2 x WD 500GB 
6 x Samsung 500GB
9 x Toshiba 500GB
10 x Seagate 500GB
2 x Hitachi 500GB

These Units are strictly sold as faulty for spares or repairs. This means one of two things. You will either be able to repair, or you will be unable, and will have to use the drive for spare parts. If you are unable to adhere to this, please do not purchase. We will not be conducting any further tests on these drives for anybody, or putting guarantees on faults provided etc. Anybody caught abusing ebay's returns procedure to get a refund will be reported etc. 

Strictly sold as faulty for spares or repairs.