US Scott #290 | Used | Fine

Dive deep into the riveting saga of American westward migration with the exquisite US Stamp Scott #290. This masterpiece, unveiled in 1898, showcases a heart-wrenching illustration, 'Hardships of Emigration,' capturing the tribulations endured by pioneers venturing into the unknown. This 10-cent denomination belongs to the iconic Trans-Mississippi Exposition issue, a collection of nine commemorative stamps heralding the 1898 Trans-Mississippi Exposition in Omaha, Nebraska. Its sophisticated gray-violet palette doesn't just elevate its aesthetic allure-it transforms it into a visually mesmerizing keepsake.

Owning the US Stamp Scott #290 is akin to cradling a piece of American lore in your hands. It doesn't just memorialize the pioneers' grueling odyssey; it's a window into the artistic sensibilities and cultural ethos of a bygone era. The intricate artwork, paired with the refined gray-violet hue, crafts a visually spellbinding narrative, while its historical gravitas and ties to the Trans-Mississippi Exposition magnify its collectible allure. This is no ordinary stamp-it's a tapestry of art, history, and a homage to the resilience that shaped the American frontier. Embellish your collection with the US Stamp Scott #290 and pay tribute to the indomitable spirit that forged America's legacy!