Ready to ship!

The trailer/Menasor was only opened and transformed and then back. However, MM himself was NEVER touched or any of the accessories. Please note that the purple clear pieces have some surface scratches and how it was when I opened it and has nothing to do with transforming or anything else. I believe this was a bit of an issue on these. Sorry, I didn't get a picture of both those pieces. I found no issues (breaks or stress marks) with the big trailer/Menasor.

Includes the BUG weapon, both swords (Menasor & for Motormaster), MM's gun, and all paperwork, including the card.

Otherwise, any issues with the figure while transforming it, specifically MM himself since I didn't touch that portion, I am unable to support the product. Please review ALL the pictures and ask questions prior to purchasing. Sold "as is."

Auction Terms
  • Item will be sent to the name/address listed on the Paypal transaction.
  • Seller is not responsible for import duty/tax or any other fees, if any.
  • Seller is not responsible for shipping damage/lost (International First Class Mail packages, which can take "UP TO 45-days" for delivery, are insured automatically and included in cost of shipping)
  • All sales are final. No return/refund/exchange.

Combined shipping will be determined upon request or after purchase is made!!!!!!!