Acer palmatum bloodgood seeds

The Japanese maple is one of the trees most used to make bonsais, very coveted and beautiful, its leaves are always reddish, it is very easy to grow, it only needs enough water and good peat-type soil. To germinate them, they require stratification for 2 months, then soaking for a day and then placing them in a seedbed with a sandy substrate in a sheltered place. Irregular germination, it can last from a few weeks to several months.

Acer palmatum bloodgood seeds The Japanese maple is one of the trees most used to make bonsais, very coveted and beautiful, its leaves are always reddish, it is very easy to grow, it only needs enough water and good peat-type soil. To germinate them, they require stratification for 2 months, then soaking for a day and then placing them in a seedbed with a sandy substrate in a sheltered place. Irregular germination, it can last from a few weeks to several months.