This kit is pre-printed with initials and the wedding date that would be extremely easy to modify with your own. It would make a fantastic wedding present, both unique and thoughtful. Please note there is no chart for numbers and letters however as they are simple block characters it will be easy to freehand. The design is 11 1/2" and should fit a 12" square frame perfectly.

The kit includes everything you need to get started, from the stamped fabric, full color pattern, threads and needles. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced crafter, this Joy Sunday stamped cross stitch kit is sure to provide you with hours of creative satisfaction.

These kits are unique and cannot be found in U.S. brick and mortar stores. Water soluble dye is printed onto 11 count adia fabric, making a much easier and faster project than traditional counted cross stitch. A color coded key is printed at the bottom of the design and a full color, large, easy to read pattern is also included.

I have personally completed many of these type kits and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


1. How do I remove the dye from the fabric once I have finished my project?

Simply soak in plain  room temperature water for about an hour. Lay flat on a towel to dry. Once dry, iron on the wrong (non-stitched) side using low heat.

2. Do I need a hoop?

You can use a hoop, they are easily found at big box and craft stores. I recommend the square, plastic type over the round hoops, as they dent the fabric less and give you more workable area. I do not use hoops, adia is stiff enough that they are not strictly necessary.

3. How can I make my project more unique?

Substitute metallic thread in small areas of the design, for example buttons or stars. Outlining in metallic thread can make an area really stand out. Glow in dark thread is also available in craft stores. It appears white, so I use it where white is indicated, for example snowflakes. 2mm sead beads fit 11 and 14 count aidia perfectly and look stunning in small areas, for example small flowers.

4. What's the difference between 11 and 14 count?

Count refers to the number of squares per inch. 14 count makes a smaller design, while 11 count can be easier to see. Embroidery floss has 6 strands of thread, these are separated before use.

   14 count projects use 2 strands.

   11 count uses 3 strands.

   Backstitch can use either 1 or 2 strands, refer to your pattern for instruction