What’s unique about high-end “Limited Edition” watches?!

- Quite a few ones are made.

- Often with special intricate sophistications.

- MOST importantly: when they get sold out by the maker-company, their prices always skyrocket if ever found!


A rare limited-edition Swiss watch by Louis Erard (number 44 !).

Gold bezel, chronograph, unique mother of pearl-dial !

Such a unique piece of art indeed.

Works perfect, fully serviced

It has been keeping perfect time with me for years; but as any mechanical Watch I’d have to officially state it keeps a +/- 1 muniute per day variance.

Keep in mind, this is a “COLLECTOR’S WATCH”

ساعة سويرية نادرة جدا جدا - لويس إيرارد رقم 44 (إصدار خاص!)

إطار ذهب عيار 18، مينا صدف نظام أوتوماتيك ظهر مكينة مكشوف

قطعة فنية خاصة جداُ

تعمل بشكل كامل وممتاز تماما

يرجى الأخذ بعين الاعتبار، هذه الساعة "تحفة للاقتناء الشخصي"!


My personal addiction to mechanical watches stems from their genuine analogue (NATURE!) as a blast from the past, long before the electronic hacks emerged!

That’s why the big brand names in the watch business still goes back to this beauty!

After all, you know this is far beyond just a “Time Piece”! It’s about elegance.

You can still get an Apple Watch, if you know what I mean :)