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Conan the Cimmerian (Barbarian) Series Robert E. Howard 11 Audiobooks 1 MP3 DVD

Robert E. Howard
 (1906 - 1936)

Conan the Cimmerian is a fictional Sword & Sorcery hero (by Robert E. Howard), that originated in pulp fiction magazines and has since been adapted to books, comics, several films (Conan the Barbarian/Conan the Destroyer), TV programs (cartoon and live-action), video games, role-playing games and other media.

A Witch Shall Be Born
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:2:05:28 
The kingdom of Khauran is admittedly a small one, nestled between the vast desert and the plains, but it is blessed with an abundance of rich soil, hard working devoted inhabitants and much gold but most of all by a sweet young queen who is as wise and beneficent as she is beautiful. But then from out of nowhere, disaster strikes. A horrible witch (her evil twin sister) secretly replaces her and introduces devil worship, human sacrifice and other things too repulsive to mention. Conan, who was the captain of her guard is captured and crucified in the desert. From there the incomparable story telling skill of Robert E. Howard takes us on a spiral of exciting intrigue, battle, blood, demons, and final retribution.
1 - The Blood-Red Crescent
2 - The Tree of Death
3 - A Letter to Nemedia
4 - Wolves of the Desert
5 - The Voice from the Crystal
6 - The Vulture's Wings

Beyond the Black River
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:2:34:49 
Conan the Barbarian is employed by one of the civilized countries to help in it's push to claim lands from the primitive Picts. The Picts are not excited about the idea however. Old gods and mythical creatures are called up by the Pict witches to contest the invading army and Conan finds himself battling for his life amid the blood thirsty hordes that include saber-toothed tigers, 40 foot long venomous snakes and a demon from another dimension who is intent on crushing him. The huge dog Slasher makes an appearance here and distinguishes himself so well in a doomed battle to delay their forces that Conan openly praises his courage and pledges that 7 Pict heads will roll in his honor. 

1 - Conan Loses His Ax
2 - The Wizard of Gwawela
3 - The Crawlers in the Dark
4 - The Beasts of Zogar Sag
5 - The Children of Jhebbal Sag
6 - Red Axes of the Border
7 - The Devil in the Fire
8 - Conajohara No More

Gods of the North
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:00:24:24 
"The Frost-Giant's Daughter" is, arguably the earliest chronological story by Robert E. Howard in terms of Conan's life. The brief tale is set somewhere in frozen Nordheim, geographically situated north of Conan's homeland, Cimmeria. Conan is depicted by Howard as a youthful Cimmerian mercenary traveling among the golden-haired Aesir in a war party.

Shortly before the story begins, a hand-to-hand battle has occurred on an icy plain. Eighty men ("four score") have perished in bloody combat, and Conan alone survives the battlefield where Wulfhere's Aesir "reavers" fought the Vanir "wolves" of Bragi, a Vanir chieftain. Thus, the story opens.

Following this fierce battle against the red-haired Vanir, Conan the Cimmerian, lying exhausted on the corpse-strewn battlefield, is visited by a beautiful, condescending and semi-nude woman identifying herself as "Atali." Upon her bodice, she wears a transparent veil: a wisp of gossamer that was not spun by human distaff. The mere sight of her strange nakedness kindles Conan's lust and, when she repeatedly taunts him, he madly chases her for miles across the snows with the intent of raping her. The excitement continues but I won't ruin the story for you by saying more. Can Conan deal with this daughter of a frost-giant? And what when her daddy shows up? 

Jewels of Gwahlur
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:2:06:22 
Conan The Barbarian is after fabulous treasure in this exciting story. But he finds himself in more difficulties than he had counted on. Crafty and powerful human opponents seek to skin him alive, bestial mutations seek to rip his arms off, denizens of the deep want to devour him whole and scantily clad dusky beauties try to waylay him at every step. And all of this to find the Jewels of Gwahlur, the most fabulous treasure every hidden in a secret temple. Has Conan finally met his match? Will his evil enemies or the seductive women finally succeed in making him beg for mercy? Listen and find out. Caution: there is some sex, lots of (justified) violence and the women are all equally voluptuous, independent, yielding and very dangerous.

1 - Paths of Intrigue
2 - A Goddess Awakens
3 - Return of the Oracle
4 - The Teeth of Gwahlur

Queen of the Black Coast
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:1:27:55 
Conan finally meets his match in Belit, the fierce, bloodthirsty and scantily clad pirate Queen. She also is unable to resist the huge, blue eyed, iron thewed barbarian who literally sweeps her off her feet. Together they become pirates of legend and are the scourge of the Black Coast. They venture up the river of death where no one has gone in centuries and lived, in search of plunder, battle and adventure. And get get more of all three than they could wish for.

1 - Conan Joins the Pirates
2 - The Black Lotus
3 - The Horror in the Jungle
4 - The Attack from the Air
5 - The Funeral Pyre

Red Nails
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:03:49:32
Conan the Barbarian finds himself lusting after and fighting alongside the toughest woman alive, Valeria The Red, a beautiful pirate who out pirates the best of them in her strength and ferocity. This is one of the strangest stories ever written by Robert E. Howard — the tale of a barbarian adventurer, a woman pirate, and a weird enclosed and long dead city now inhabited by the most peculiar race of men ever spawned. Listen and be amazed at Howard's inventive genius.

1 - The Skull on the Crag
2 - By the Blaze of the Fire-Jewels
3 - The People of the Feud
4 - Scent of Black Lotus
5 - Twenty Red Nails
6 - The Eyes of Tascela
7 - He Comes from the Dark

Shadows in the Moonlight
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:1:30:50 
For a genuine Conan tale, full of barbarian craftiness, magic, fierce fighting and his berserker strength, this meets every criteria and is one of the best. Conan was raiding with the Free Companions when they were trapped and slaughtered by the merciless Shah Amurath the great Lord of Akif. Conan is one of the very few who escape by hiding in the mud of the marshes like a beast living on raw snake and muskrat. Luck, which seems to have deserted him, smiles again and allows him the chance for revenge and he eagerly seizes it, destroying his enemy with fierce strokes. Barely escaping his soldiers with the slave girl Olivia, once a princess of Koth, they reach a deserted island that holds many enchantments and strange dangers. Then the pirates arrive and things become even bloodier.

Shadows in Zamboula
Read by Mark Nelson
Running Time:1:26:51
Despite a warning received in the Suq by an elderly desert nomad, Conan stays the night in a cheap tavern in Zamboula, run by Aram Baksh. As night falls, a black Darfarian cannibal enters to drag him away to be eaten. All of the Darfar slaves in the city are cannibals who roam the streets at night. As they only prey on travellers, the people of the city tolerate this and stay locked securely in their homes, while nomads and beggars make sure to spend the night at a comfortable distance from its walls. This night, however, Conan finds a naked woman chasing through the streets after her deranged lover; Conan rescues them from an attack by the cannibals. She tells him that she tried to secure her lover's unending affection via a love potion which instead made a raving lunatic of him. Promising Conan "a reward" in return for his assistance, they attempt to kill the high priest responsible for the man's madness.

1 - A Drum Begins
2 - The Night Skulkers
3 - Black Hands Gripping
4 - Dance, Girl, Dance!

The Devil in Iron
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:1:34:34 
Conan's lustful desires again get him into a whole pile of trouble. This time the beautiful, golden haired, noble born Octavia, lures him into a fiendish trap set by his most powerful enemies and from which there seems to be no escape. But on the long deserted island of Xapur where he goes to capture this crafty beauty, it is not just mortal enemies that await him; Khosatral Khel a demon that crawled up from the abyss many eons ago and is of a substance as hard as iron has been awakened and is intent on crushing Conan and the woman like bugs for it's amusement. Conan is up against a being immensely stronger than he is and which he cannot kill with normal weapons. Will his mighty thews and muscles finally be crushed beneath the iron fists of this devil? Will Conan finally meet his match in this fierce but scantily clad woman or will she finally yield to his powerful kisses? Listen and discover the answer to these questions. 

The Hour of the Dragon
Read by Mark Nelson
Running Time:8:21:23 
The Hour of the Dragon, also known as Conan the Conqueror, is a fantasy novel by American writer Robert E. Howard featuring his sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian. It was one of the last Conan stories published before Howard's suicide although not the last to be written. The novel was first published in serial form in the pulp magazine Weird Tales in 1935 through 1936.

1 - O Sleeper, Awake!
2 - A Black Wind Blows
3 - The Cliffs Reel
4 - From What Hell Have You Crawled?
5 - The Haunter of the Pits
6 - The Thrust of the Knife
7 - The Rending of the Veil
8 - Dying Embers
9 - It Is the King or His Ghost!
10 - A Coin from Acheron
11 - Swords of the South
12 - The Fang of the Dragon
13 - A Ghost Out of the Past
14 - The Black Hand of Set
15 - The Return of the Corsair
16 - Black-Walled Khemi
17 - He Has Slain the Sacred Son of Set!
18 - I Am the Woman Who Never Died
19 - In the Hall of the Dead
20 - Out of the Dust Shall Acheron Rise
21 - Drums of Peril
22 - The Road to Acheron

The People of the Black Circle
Read by Mark Nelson
Running Time:3:36:52 
"The People of the Black Circle" is one of the original novellas about Conan the Cimmerian, written by American author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in three parts over the September, October and November 1934 issues. It is set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan kidnapping a regal princess of Vendhya (pre-historical India) and foiling a nefarious plot of world domination by the Black Seers of Yimsha. Due to its epic scope and atypical Hindustan flavor, the story is considered an undisputed classic of Conan lore and is often cited by Howard scholars as one of his best tales. It is also one of the few Howard stories where the reader is treated a deeper insight on magic and magicians beyond the stereotypical Hyborian depiction as demon conjurer-illusionist-priests. 

  • Our Audiobooks are Complete and Unabridged (unless otherwise indicated)
  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
  • Please Note: These recorded readings are from the author's original works which are in the public domain. All recordings and artwork are in the public domain and there are no infringements or copyrights. Each track starts with "This is a LibriVox recording...."
  • Although Librivox has graciously made these recordings available to the public domain, they are not associated with the sale of this product.

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.