Discover MAN’S BEST in 2024 from BOOM! Studios with the FIRST (possibly ONLY????) double signed issue #1 for sale ANYWHERE!!!!

Signed by comic legend JAE LEE and Eisner winning PORNSAK PICHETSHOT, writer of the Eisner and Harvey Award-winning The Good Asian.  

Written by Eisner-nominated Jesse Lonergan.

Signatures are GUARANTEED and your money back if they don't pass third party authentication.  Things were signed at 2024 Anaheim wonder con.  This series is about to take off so hurry up and get in on the ground floor!!  Book is in amazing condition -- not a professional grader, but this is easily high 9s.

Book will be sent in a Gemini-type mailer.  I am a pet free, smoke free house and sell a lot on ebay and have great reviews!!!

Homeward Bound on an alien world, MAN’S BEST follows three emotional support pets living on the Starship Horizon–a spacecraft searching for a new home to house a humanity compromised by bad decisions and corporate greed.

But after the ship crashes and the crew is captured, these loyal pets are their owner’s only hope. Outfitted in outrageous tech, these three best friends must traverse a hostile world to rescue their owners–leaving them the only hope for a humanity that might not be worth saving. In a harrowing adventure, the pets are faced with challenges that threaten to destroy their most valuable treasure: their friendship.