Delivery Information

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Shipped Via: Expedited, free, same-day cloud delivery via eBay email message. The PDF manual has the same exact contents as the paper hardcopy manual and is transmitted via an eBay email containing a Google Drive link.

For buyers with limited internet access, a special request can be made to the seller via eBay message for delivery on a Micro SD card sent by first-class mail without tracking.

The manual on MicroSD will ship from Alaska via USPS First Class mail and may take up to 12 days for delivery. The PDF manual is viewable on tablets, PCs, Smart TVs, or any device of your choice, offering on-screen viewing of detailed diagrams for enhanced clarity over the printed version.

Most orders are fulfilled within 60 minutes of receipt.

Important Note: As an additional form of delivery, please provide your personal email address in the buyer note to the seller or contact the seller via eBay email message. This ensures a second transmission method for prompt delivery. Thank you.

This is the complete and comprehensive digital PDF version, which is a must-have for both DIY enthusiasts and professional operators. The default method for expedited same-day delivery of the Google Drive link to the manual will be via eBay's email system directly to the buyer.