Baden Legend - Outdoor Game Ball - Basketball


Baden Legend - Outdoor Game Ball - Basketball

An engineered rubber basketball that gives you the durability of an outdoor ball and the playability of a game ball. 

The Legend has a rubber cover and butyl bladder for maximum durability and air retention. 
The sponge backing and skived channels provide a game-ball like feel.

The Legend's flex composite cover has the soft, tacky feel of a high-end game ball with added durability for all surface play. 
Offered in men's (7) and women's (6) sizes, and multiple colors, the Legend's got you covered. 
Our unique symmetrical panel construction spaces out the panels so you’ll get a more even feel anywhere on the ball and it provides a more consistent bounce. 
The Legend Basketball is a great recreation ball that will hold up to the toughest play. 

For indoor or outdoor play.

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