This is brand new and was bought for a local photography project which never took off - the idea was to photograph local runners and racers when we were injured but it never really happened.

This lens came out mid October last year and has great reviews (why we bought it) - its a full frame lens with constant f/4 so can be used on full frame e-mount cameras and it's also a great range for crop (APS-C bodies too)

Note: I do have the option to allow close 'Best Offers' - I would really appreciate it if you do not send me direct messages asking 'will you accept £xxx' just type in the 3 figure number you had in mind into the offer box and let Ebay do the rest - emailing is just doubling up the work for both of us, is slower and less efficient and avoids messaging pings coming at during the middle of the night! (I keep odd hours)