Velux Side by Side combination Slate Flashing EKL MK08 0021E (100mm Gap)

The VELUX EKL coupled combination tile flashing is suitable for Slate. The coupled combination Slate flashing allows for VELUX windows to be installed side-by-side with a gap of 100mm between both windows thus gaining maximum daylight.

VELUX flashings integrate with the roof covering to provide a weather-tight finish around the window. They are compatible with any Slate. Window flashings are designed to sit under the roofing materials, and then the water from the roof is collect in the built-in guttering system. The gutter overlaps a second section of the flashing to help the water flow smoothy down the side of the window. The flashing apron moulds to the roof material profile to allow the water to drain away.

VELUX recommend using a support trimmer when installing the coupled combination for the 100mm frame gap as it's needed to ensure strength and stability between the windows.