Metaphysical study of the path of wisdom and esoteric knowledge It includes: 1.The Anunnaki Matrix. Its mysteries and mind blowing revelations. 2.Man-made humans and reverse engineering of the uuman brain. 3.Anunnaki's creation of a new human race in 2022. 4.The origin and the genetic creation of the human races by the Anunnaki. 5.Contact with extraterrestrials in 2022. 6.Tips for creating a healthy environment in our homes, offices and wherever we live. How small things around us affect our health and success in life and business. 7.The righteous people will be reunited with their loved ones including their pets in the afterlife. 8.In the afterlife, the mental punishment is as real as the physical punishment. 9.Entering a different dimension while you are still alive. 10.Preparing yourself to enter the other world while you are still alive. 11.This is what you will see first, when you enter the other world. 12.Entering a different dimension after you have passed away.