This accordion is a bit of a mystery. The spring on the keys is fine and it feels like the buttons (registers?) engage OK, but it sounds like a dead duck. Seriously, it makes no sense when it is played. Some of the keys don't produce any sound at all when pressed. The bellows seem to her holding air. WE figured out the single button that releases and traps air in the bellows and no problem there. We did a little research and read that it might require to have reeds replaced? At any rate, we are very sad about this instrument, but it looks so good, surely it qualifies to be a project in the hands of the right accordion doctor? It comes with some arm/shoulder straps, but they have seen better days. It appears the fabric shellac is flaking off substantially, however...they are still strong so we are including them. If the new owner would prefer we not ship them with the accordion we can get rid of them no problem. This accordion is being sold for parts. It is a project.