These rugs and masks are for collection only, please do not bid and ask for postage/carriage, thank you.

There is one 4'6" Amigo Mio combination soft mesh Shetland/Pony fly rug and one 4'6" older style Ruggles heavy duty fly rug with belly flap and also two Harrison Howard small pony fly masks.

The Amigo rug has nicks in the fabric, especially on the neck where the velcro has caught the fabric, and is a little marked from mud stains but not too bad lots of life left in it.

The Ruggles rug is in good condition with no nicks, it has been washed in the past but is stained, maybe a longer wash at a hotter temperature may do the trick but I don't tend to do that with rugs.

There is also a soft mesh Saxon combo fly rug with leg straps, well used but in good condition, washed but marked.

THIS AUCTION IS FOR 3 FLY RUGS AND 2 FLY MASKS which were used on a Shetland Pony.
All rugs are used but have plenty of life left in them and an ideal small job lot for someone.

I will be listing some other 4'6" rugs for sale too, which could be collected at the same time.
Collection from Sevenoaks.

Cash or payment via Ebay is fine.

Thank you.