Very smart cosmetically new looking lovely lens.

Original caps and nice period box. Very Bauhuas.

The goggles rather set it apart.

I have or have had all three versions of this lens. The specs free 0.7m M version. The 1m screw. And this the M3 closer focus 0.65m. I also have the latter with the specs removed which renders it useless on film cameras ..and can only be used on digital with live view. God knows who took the goggles off (and thank you FLINTS AUCTIONS for selling  it me without telling me it had been tampered with.. well done another sale).. but I am now gunned up.

This is ALL original item.

OPTICALLY it needs a clean. It is certainly utterly usable as is none of the bits and dust and general grime visible effects results but really it would look better with a clean. The good news is there is very little haze and few to no cleaning marks.

Priced accordingly but I have to emphasise.. good to go.