Hard to find/rare vintage 1990's Successories, free-standing, glass encased, inspirational display plaque.
Ideal for a desktop, tabletop, bookcase or mantle.

The character trait theme of this piece is "The Courage of Integrity".

The quote below the image more fully defining integrity reads as follows:
"The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity.
 Choosing right over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth 
 over popularity...these are the choices that measure your life.
 Travel the path of integrity witrhout looking back, for
 there is never a wrong time to do the right thing."

The dimensions of this free-standing glass plaque are as follows:
Overall height is 10 1/4 inches.
Overall width is 9 inches.
The brass frame section containing the image and the quote is 7 and 1/4 inches wide by 7 and 1/4 inches high.

The overall condition of this piece is excellent.

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