16/04/2024 update: Relist.
This item has been removed from book category by eBay.
Sorry for 24 watchers.
 Sold 10 copies in two weeks. Thank you.

Brand new. Sealed.

First limited edition with exclusive gift: 

One Bookmark (Five versions, random) (Please check the last picture)

Weight: 1.25 kg


*Note: No problem to combine the shipping! I will return the rest shipping fee if not exceed (will send the receipt as reference).

The shipping fee here is calculating by package's weight.

I will pay first if exceeded, then we just to figure out how to solve the problem.*


Just a reminder:

One buyer didn't like the style of this photographer. Please check the comment:

《BOOK / No doubt : jaochihwei》
"There are parts of the book where the photos are blurry. Dissatisfaction with the photographer."

My response:
Thank you! I am sorry that you don't like the style of photographer. His style is indeed mixed daring, provocative and Abstract. I still think about list his latest book (this is his second book!), it's too explicit for me, but he said that's him, he wants to challenge the boundary between photography and pornography, like the icon Robert Mapplethorpe. I have a suggestion, it's easy to search the info of photographer by his name
 "jaochihwei" or人良土兀, 
maybe won't buy the item you don't like?"

What I like to say is:
Please do some research before purchase as possible as you can.
I can't provide all the info just by one page.
Especially, you don't sure you will like it or not.
I used to do research in advance, so that's my suggestion.

take a risk, like I buy anything without preview (before 2000?)
A lot of surprise! That's fun I always remember!!!     


《inappropriate:jaochihwei x Bill 人良土兀攝影書》

More than 300,000 Twitter followers,
"Bill (KOL) x jaochihwei" brings out the sexual desire as an endless eruption to challenge the limits of ART!

作者: 人良土兀  jaochihwei 

「Bill x 人良土兀 」將無處安放的性慾整隊奔湧而出!

◆ 本刊內容無馬賽克!閱讀注意!(be aware of reading! 18+)
  ◆ 「不適當」攝影師 &「不適當」Model雙強合作,
由Twitter二十萬追蹤Bill (KOL)領銜演繹真實「不適當」情事
  ◆ 只有人良土兀能駕馭的極致尺度,醞釀20個月,美感情慾再進化

不適當,於本書亦指在不適當的時間、空間,進行不當的蓄意 性。

2020年攝影師人良土兀在發行首本攝影集《No doubt》獲得極大迴響後,

經歷兩年的被噤聲,如今變本加厲與 Bill 攜手合作,
後段透過人良的敘事編排,描繪 Bill 的精人日常生活,並重新建構辦公室中的職場淫威。




Bill (KOL)

喜歡戶外活動, 也喜歡被攝


  人良土兀 JAOfilm,一名獨立影像創作者。他在赤裸的男體影像中,探索情慾自然不羈的樣貌。對他而言,性是高級而美好的想像,無論藝術或色情。

  著有實體書作品《PAUSE No.1 》、《NO DOUBT》,電子書《PAUSE》系列作品,情慾短片《JAOfilm》系列作品等。


規格:精裝 / 256頁 / 21 x 26 x 2.8 cm / 限制級(18+) / 全彩印刷 / 初版


Book Info:

256 Pages / Full color / Hardcover / First edition

Dimension: 8.26 x 10.23 x 1.01 inches

Printed in Taiwan

First limited edition with exclusive gift: 

One Bookmark (Five versions, random) (Please check the last picture)
