Thanksgiving Christmas Cactus "SAMBA BRAZIL"

healthy fresh cuttings

  • red/yellow blooms
  • easy to flower
  • easy to grow

  • Please be mindful of the temperatures in your area, nights 28 or warmer and days 35 or warmer are best for safe arrival.

    Christmas Cactus Cuttings " Samba Brazil"

    You will receive 3 cuttings, each cutting will have a minimum of 2 segments as shown in picture #2. These are cuttings and have no roots or buds.

    ships free

    Samba Brazil has nice red buds that open to red/yellow blossoms. This prolific bloomer is at home in a pot or hanging basket that makes an incredible show when in flower.

    You will receive 3 cuttings, each cutting will have a minimum of 2 segments as shown in picture #2. These are cuttings and have no roots or buds.

    The Christmas Cacti are amongst the most widely grown of all Cacti. They are prodigious bloomers, often bearing hundreds of flowers, even small plants blooming freely. Their showers of splendid blossoms appear in the dead of winter at the very time we are most grateful for them. For a century they have been favorite house plants because they take so kindly to ordinary care. There are many varieties of these beautiful flowering cacti in many shades of color and you will enjoy them all.

    There are many ways to root cuttings and if you have a favorite method use it. We recommend laying the cuttings out in a bright location (OUT OF DIRECT SUN) for 7-10 days. Or place cuttings in a sealed zip lock bag (OUT OF DIRECT SUN) until you see roots about 2 weeks.
    Then stick the cuttings in a moist well aerated mix, no more than half the length of the clad. Keep the mix slightly moist (not wet). After about 2 months the plants should be rooted and you can care for them normally.

    Christmas cactus grow best in light shade. Full sunlight is beneficial in midwinter but some shade during the summer is best.

    Water the growing medium when it is dry to the touch. Christmas cactus are tolerant of dry, slightly under-watered conditions. Do not let the soil become waterlogged.

    Schlumbergeras are known as Christmas cactus in the industry and marketplace. They are complex hybrids with traits of multiple species and can flower from Oct. to January. We grow only hybrids and refer to them as Christmas cactus.

    Whitton Greenhouses has been growing Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis since 1978. Please email with any questions.

    Ships to US only, no international shipping.