Barbiturates Drug Test Strips

  • Barbiturates drug test strips is one-step rapid drug test that detects the presence of barbiturates in human urine.
  • They’re 99% accurate, safe, and easy to use.
  • Get Barbiturate test strips enable users to perform Barbiturate testing with complete ease and without seeking assistance.
  • The BAR test strips provide quick results within five minutes.
  • Our BAR testing strips possess a cutoff level of 300 ng/ml.
  • This barbiturates drug test includes internal procedural controls.
  • If there’s a sufficient amount of specimen and the procedure is followed properly, a gabapentin positive drug test result will show as a colored band in the control region.
  • However, there are no external controls in this kit. That’s why we highly recommend further testing to verify positive results.

Why test for barbiturates?

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies barbiturates as Schedule III Drugs. They are less addictive than drugs under Schedules I and II. However, they have current medical uses in the US.

Why do some people abuse barbiturates?

Barbiturates help people sleep and relax. As such, doctors prescribe them to people who need more sleep and relaxation.

Additionally, people who are using stimulant drugs like amphetamine need them to relax or sleep.

The problem is, some people become so dependent on barbiturates. As a consequence, they get hooked, and later on, develop resistance to the drug. When this happens, they need to take more drugs. This is when overdose most likely

What are Barbiturates?

Barbiturates belong to a class of drugs known as Central Nervous System Depressants. Doctors prescribe them for people suffering from insomnia, anxiety, and seizures.

These drugs come in several forms and have different detection times.

Long-acting: up to 15 days

Intermediate-acting: 7 days

Short-acting: 3 days

How To Use Barbiturates Drug Test

  • First, remove the barbiturates drug test strip from the sealed pouch and use it within one hour
  • Second, immerse the strip into the urine with the arrow pointing towards the urine
  • Third, take the strip out after 15 seconds and lay the strip flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface.
  • Finally, read the result in 5 minutes.

PPX test strips


Only one colored band appears, in the control region ©. No apparent colored band appears in the test region (T)

EtG - Drug Test Cup


Two colored bands appear on the membrane. One brand appears in the control regions © and another band appears in the test region (T).



  • Control band fails to appear.
  • Results from any test which has not produced a control band at the specified read time must be discarded.
  • Please review the procedure and repeat with a new test.
  • If the problems persist, discontinue using the kit immediately and contact your local distributor.