Poland, Bystre, Church of Saint Archangel Michael, Cerkiew św. Michała Archanioła, Original photo, WW2, 1941, Wehrmacht German soldiers

 - Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Bystre - a former branch Greek Catholic church, built in 1902, located in Bystre. It has been closed for worship since 1951.
The building was entered into the register of monuments in 1970 and included in the Podkarpacie Wooden Architecture Trail.
The current Orthodox church is not the first to be built in Bystre. The earlier Orthodox churches were built around 1607 and then in 1681. The second one existed until the 19th century.
The building that survives to this day was started in 1901 and completed a year later. The architect who designed it was most likely Wasyl Nahirnyj from Lviv, who also created similar buildings in Lutowiska and Lipie. Like previous temples, the church was named after Saint. Michael the Archangel. In 1939, a brick screen bell tower was added nearby.

The temple played the role of a branch church belonging to the parish in Michniowiec (Żukotyń deanery) until 1951, when the surrounding areas were transferred to Poland by the USSR as part of an exchange. For a short time it was used as a Roman Catholic church, but eventually it was abandoned and began to fall into disrepair. In 1962, most of the temple's equipment was taken to Łańcut to protect it against theft. The church's furnishings became part of the museum exhibition and were made available to visitors.

The first works to prevent the destruction of the church were undertaken in 1983, when its interior was cleaned, the remaining items were secured and a permanent photographic exhibition of Orthodox church monuments was organized. In 1985, the monument was taken over by the Bieszczady Branch of the Society for the Protection of Monuments, established for this purpose.

In 1991, Ukrainian bands performed in the church, and two years later the Carpathian Culture Festival was held there. The year 1993 also saw the first renovations of the monument - the roof was secured and the bell tower was renovated with money provided by the Provincial Conservator of Monuments (30 million old zlotys). A year later, after numerous appeals from the Bieszczady Branch of the Society for the Protection of Monuments, 300 million old zlotys were obtained for further work. The next renovation began on August 24, 1994. The entire sheet metal covering the dome and the roof over the presbytery were then replaced. The windows and the cross on the dome were also secured, and the wooden upholstery was replaced.

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