Flower Drum Song program 1960 LA Princess Margrethe Astrid Axel Denmark Norway
for theater and royalty collectors royals scandinavia Rodgers Hammerstein musical theater theatre

Comes with theater program, an invitation to the 1960 performance presented by the Los Angeles Light Opera Association as shown naming the following in attendance:
Princess Margrethe of Denmark
Princess Astrid of Norway
Princess Margaretha of Sweden
Prince Axel of Denmark 
and their ladies in waiting as well as Ambassadors Count Kield Gustav Knuth-Winterfeldt, Paul Koht and Gunnar Jarring

also comes with what is stated is a temporary program in lieu of THE PLAYGOER magazine which would normally have been distributed, due to an Actors' Equity Association union strike taking place in LA at the time. Rare!

slight musty smell from storage

com4m (21_8)