
The Mad River and Other Stories


Douglas H. Glover

Publisher: Black Moss Press - 1981

Condition:  Paperback Covers in good condition with very minimal wear on edges, but a crease down center of front cover. Binding strong and all pages intact. Signed by author "...with affection and thanks. New Year 1982" Doug Glover



From Back Cover:

"These are unique and innovative stories. They dramatize the ways in which ordinary people manage to transcend the deterministic problems of life by adopting an aesthetic attitude toward them.  Doug Glover, in these stories, celebrates the metaphysical dimensions in everyday experiences and the imaginative resources of the individual. Far from being victims of nature, his people confront the limitations imposed on them through a variety of artistic modes.  Glover is a brilliant craftsman with an extra-ordinary imaginative range" - James A. McPherson  

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