ONE 1954 5D6, 5E6, 5E6-A FENDER Tweed Bassman TRIAD 2820 output Transformer. This is a clean working unit. There is a bit of varnish on the leads from the V.P.I. process where transformer windings are submerged in hot varnish and then pressurized with air to force the varnish deep into the windings. This serves as insulation and moisture, (non condensing), protection and is part of the manufacturing process. You usually see evidence of the varnish on top of the laminations.

* NOTE* There is no warranty expressed or implied for this item, and the item is NON returnable.. The readings below are indicative of it’s working condition.

DCR readings using Fluke 77

Secondary:                   .30 ohm

Primary blue to red:    49 ohm

Primary brown to red:    42 ohm

Primary blue to brown.  91 ohm

All leads to earth ground read infinite ohms