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Collected Works of  R. M. Ballantyne 22 Audiobooks For Children in 1 MP3 Audio DVD

R. M. Ballantyne (24 April 1825 – 8 February 1894) was a Scottish juvenile fiction writer.

In 1847 Ballantyne returned to Scotland to discover that his father had died. He published his first book the following year, Hudson's Bay: or, Life in the Wilds of North America, and for some time was employed by the publishers Messrs Constable. In 1856 he gave up business to focus on his literary career, and began the series of adventure stories for the young with which his name is popularly associated.

The Young Fur-Traders (1856), The Coral Island (1857), The World of Ice (1859), Ungava: a Tale of Eskimo Land (1857), The Dog Crusoe (1860), The Lighthouse (1865), Fighting the Whales (1866), Deep Down (1868), The Pirate City (1874), Erling the Bold (1869), The Settler and the Savage (1877), and more than 100 other books followed in regular succession, his rule being to write as far as possible from personal knowledge of the scenes he described. The Gorilla Hunters. A tale of the wilds of Africa (1861) shares three characters with The Coral Island: Jack Martin, Ralph Rover and Peterkin Gay. Here Ballantyne relied factually on Paul du Chaillu's Exploration in Equatorial Guinea, which had appeared early in the same year.

The Coral Island is the most popular of the Ballantyne novels still read and remembered today, but because of one mistake he made in that book, in which he gave an incorrect thickness of coconut shells, he subsequently attempted to gain first-hand knowledge of his subject matter. For instance, he spent some time living with the lighthouse keepers at the Bell Rock before writing The Lighthouse, and while researching for Deep Down he spent time with the tin miners of Cornwall.

Total Run Time x 22 Public Domain Audiobooks Over 130 Hours  in 1 MP3 Audio DVD

List of Audiobooks:
Away in the Wilderness 
Black Ivory
Charlie to the Rescue
 Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished
 Fast in the Ice
 Fighting the Flames
 Fighting the Whales
 Freaks on the Fells: Three Months' Rustication, Story 
 Freaks on the Fells: Three Months' Rustication, Story 2(Dramatic Reading)
 Freaks on the Fells: Three Months' Rustication, Story 3
 Hudson's Bay (Short Story)
Jarwin and Cuffy
 My Doggie and I
 Post Haste
 The Coral Island
 The Golden Dream
 The Gorilla Hunters
 The Iron Horse
 The Island Queen
The Madman and The Pirate
The Dog Crusoe and His Master
Twice Bought

  • Our Audiobooks are Complete and Unabridged (unless otherwise indicated)
  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
  • Please Note: These recorded readings are from the author's original works which are in the public domain. All recordings and artwork are in the public domain and there are no infringements or copyrights. Each track starts with "This is a LibriVox recording...."
  • Although Librivox has graciously made these recordings available to the public domain, they are not associated with the sale of this product.