Russia - Armavir 1918 : emergency coinage - 1 Ruble - Copper

Armavir is a city located in Krasnodar Territory, Southern

Armavir ruble - surrogate banknotes (paper, as well as metal bonds, tokens), issued in the city of Armavir in 1918-1920.

The issue was due to a shortage of bargaining chips. Coin stamps were created by a Czech engraver Joseph Zadler (Austrian prisoner of war). Initially, silver coins were supposed to be issued, but due to the lack of silver, copper was adopted as the material.

The first trial release was cast (low quality), later on rolls were used as a stamp.

A total of 60,000 rubles were minted (mainly 3-ruble coins).

In the future, it was also planned to issue silver and gold coins: silver coins of 10, 15, and 25 rubles, and gold coins of 50 and 100 rubles. This intention has not been realized.

The coinage was interrupted on July 27-30, 1918 (the whites entered the city, but were again driven out from there), and stopped after Armavir came under the control of the Volunteer Army for the next 2 years on September 18, 1918. The White Guard authorities did not recognize these banknotes (as well as generally any banknotes issued by the Soviet government).

After the restoration of Soviet power in March 1920, an exchange of banknotes issued by the Soviet government before the arrival of the Whites for common signs began. However, the coins, due to high inflation, were not actually exchanged, since the value of their metal was much higher than the face value.