Edmond Dantès




NEW YORK (1911)

CONDITION:  FAIR TO GOOD; no jacket; binding a bit loose for the title page and frontispiece; some staining on front and back pages; cover faded with use and age (see photograph #2).


"Edmond Dantes," one of the greatest novels ever written, is the sequel to Alexander Dumas' world-renowned chef-d'oevre, "The Count of Monte Cristo," taking up the fascinating narrative where the latter ends & continuing it with marvelous power & absorbing interest. Every word tells, & the number of unusually stirring incidents is legion, while the plot is phenomenal in its strength, merit & ingeniousness.

Commentaries on line:

The novel, Edmund Dantes has VERY little to do with Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo. Reading this "sequel" novel it becomes immediately obvious that it was NOT written by Dumas. The 1911 Leslie Judge Company edition is quite careful in failing to mention who actually wrote Edmund Dantes and defines the edition as "the sequel to Alexandre Dumas' celebrated novel The Count of Monte Cristo." (Flagg, the author is NEVER mentioned in this volume.)

This is a novel written by an American in the 19th century, as the sequel of Alexandre Dumas' "The Count of Monte Cristo", which I read when I was approximately Junior High age., from a copy that had belonged to my grandfather. I had previously read the comic book edition of Dumas' original (Published by "Classics Illustrated"), which was why I was motivated to read it. I remember it as a great read.

This is the 4th in the series of the Count of Monte Cristo. This is the only sequel available to this book. It does tell you later what happened to the Count. Its very interesting. Also there were at one time 4 books. But the other two are not to be found. Its extremely hard to find the original books. I'm talking 1800's editions.

Here's a marvel!  Betcha didn't know that Alexandre Dumas wrote a sequel to The Count of Monte Cristo?  Well, he didn't.  However, the makers of this little book would like you to think he did.  Dumas' name is given twice on the title page (and once on the cover), while the actual author's name is given not at all in the whole work.  Worse, they even misspelled Dumas' first name.  Twice.

So this is something between fan fiction and stealing - you decide. It's not so unfamiliar seeing an author trying to piggyback on the legacy of another, more successful author.  But this effort does stand out for being written so long ago (133 years!), and for being so brazen about it.

[Me:  Yes, the true author of this book appears to have been Edmund Flagg, an American author, who also wrote such novels as Monte Cristo’s Daughter in this series.]


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