This beautiful handmade wooden 'Pinn' doll is remarkable. 12" in height, it is ultra clean. It is from  the 1930s. Not sure if it is one-of-a-kind but it was expertly made and as cool as snot. Did I really just say that? Sorry, just got excited. The joints all articulate as intended by the Pinn family when it was made. The colors are vibrant (no fading). The yarn is pristine. Hard to oversell this beauty. Really one of those necessary to see in person to truly appreciate. Worth noting that It spent it's entire life here in Southern California where the low humidity, arid climate and moderate seasonal fluctuation tend to be more forgiving to the fabrics, woods and stitching of vintage clothing and dolls, compared to more weather volatile regions of the United States. No smoke, No pets. The stick pin is solid brass. There is some residue on the face where the glue was original applied for and from which the yarn/hair has freed itself.