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Lot # 2 George MacDonald 26 Unabridged Classic Audiobooks in 26 MP3 Audio CDs

George MacDonald (10 December 1824 – 18 September 1905) was a Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister. MacDonald was a prolific novelist. He is now known particularly for his poignant fairy tales and fantasy works, and their influence on later authors, such as W. H. Auden, C. S. Lewis, E. Nesbit and Madeleine L'Engle. C. S. Lewis wrote that he regarded MacDonald as his "master": "Picking up a copy of Phantastes one day at a train-station bookstall, I began to read. A few hours later," said Lewis, "I knew that I had crossed a great frontier." G. K. Chesterton cited The Princess and the Goblin as a book that had "made a difference to my whole existence."

England's Antiphon
Read by Devorah Allen, KHand, Owlivia, Vinny Lerin, Patrick Wallace, Alan Mapstone and Kerry Adams
Running Time:09:27:02 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Anthologies, Christianity - Other
"In this book I have sought to trace the course of our religious poetry from an early period of our literary history. ... If it's poetry be the cream of a people's thought, some true indications of the history of its religious feeling must be found in its religious verse, and I hope I have not altogether failed in setting forth these indications. My chief aim, however, will show itself to have been the mediating towards an intelligent and cordial sympathy betwixt my readers and the writers from whom I have quoted. In this I have some confidence of success. Heartily do I throw this my small pebble at the head of the great Sabbath-breaker Schism."

Paul Faber, Surgeon
Read by Hannah Mary, Geoff Blanchard, John de Silva, John Brandon, Michal Hoyt, Joanna Michal Hoyt, Marc Berube, Geoff Blanchard, Cindy Gorman, Zach Hoyt, Aaron Walker, Carol Sutton, Richard Vogel, Adrian Stephens, Little Beetle and Larry Wilson
Running Time:18:26:08 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Christian Fiction
In this sequel to "Thomas Wingfold, Curate" we follow an atheist who prides himself on being better than the Christians he knows and a weary woman trying to replace God's love with human love. But each are hiding secrets in their past. Meanwhile the unconventional curate and his friend Polwarth, the dwarf, continue ministering to anyone they can - regardless of their faith. 

Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women
Read by Brad Powers
Running Time:6:34:18 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Myths, Legends & Fairy Tales
A young man named Anodos experiences dream-like adventures in Fairy Land, where he meets tree-spirits, endures the presence of the overwhelming shadow, journeys to the palace of the fairy queen, and searches for the spirit of the earth. The story conveys a profound sadness and a poignant longing for death.

Read by Alan Mapstone, C Zandra, Larry Wilson, Algy Pug, Aaron Zimmerman, 
Suzanne Carol and Agnes Robert Behr
Running Time:02:29:59 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Poetry
A collection of poems by George MacDonald translated from various European languages including works by Novalis, Schiller, Goethe, Heine, Petrach, Milton and Martin Luther.

Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood
Read by Bookworm, Matthew Walton, Ophelia Darcy, Cyril Law, Jr., Heather Lambert, Lucy Burgoyne, Kevin McAsh, Kirsten Ferreri, Christine Blachford, Cindy Steib, Konrad Planck, Arctura, Larry Gilman and Sibella Denton
Running Time:7:04:48 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Children's Fiction
This story of a young motherless boy growing up with his brothers in a Scottish manse is full of delightful characters. There is Kirsty, an enchanting Highland storyteller, Turkey, the intrepid cowherd, the evil Kelpie, and the lovely Elsie Duff. Throughout the twists and turns of his escapades and adventures Ranald learns from his father the important lessons of courage and integrity.

When Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood came out in 1871 the New York Independent praised it as "full of sweetness, full of boy-life and true goodness". Perhaps, but it is also a good story, from the master of storytellers. 

Robert Falconer
Read by Kenneth R. Morefield
Running Time:20:34:45 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): General Fiction, Christian Fiction
A Victorian novel devoted to beloved character first introduced to readers in MacDonald's David Elginbrod. 

Sir Gibbie
Read by Mary Ann Weathers, Taysha Lynn, Mark Hissong, Hannah Mary, Anna Roberts, Maggie Travers, Tony Addison, Mark Penfold, Liz Loomans, Jeremy Buttler, Devorah Allen, Amarlie and Twinkle
Running Time:18:01:54 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Historical
These are the adventures of Sir Gibbie through the Scotland moors. Not being able to read or speak, Gibbie survives on the streets without a mother and having an alcoholic father. Yet, he wins the hearts of his neighbors and helps others. Children and adults learn through Sir Gibbie self-sacrifice, honesty, and purity. 

Six Stories
Read by Bruce Pirie, Larry Wilson, Alisson Veldhuis and Matt Braymiller
Running Time:04:49:06 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Fantasy Fiction
Six short stories from the master of fantasy! George MacDonald was an influence on many famous fantasy writers, including C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Madeleine L'Engle. This fantasy story collection includes The Cruel Painter (a vampire story), The Castle, The Wow O'Riven (a love story), The Broken Swords (a tale of war and redemption), The Gray Wolf (a werewolf story) and Uncle Cornelius: His Story.

St. George and St. Michael
Genre(s): General Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance
’St. George and St. Michael’ is a little-known historical romance telling the story of a young couple who find themselves on opposing sides during the tumultuous years of the English Civil Wars.

Tensions are rising between king and parliament, the Church of England and the numerous independent puritans, and rumours abound that Charles I will soon declare open war on the dissident elements within his realm. Seventeen-year-old Dorothy Vaughan knows little of the brewing conflict, yet is sure that her loyalty must be with her king and her nation. When she challenges her childhood friend, Richard Heywood, to prove himself a man and so worthy of winning her hand in marriage by becoming involved in the larger events that surround them, he finds that his convictions – both political and spiritual – lie with his father’s and the puritans. Determined to do what he believes is right, Richard finds that he cannot shake his immovable conscience, even for the woman he loves.

Though it is, for the most part, a realistic novel, ‘St. George and St. Michael’ is not without either the otherwordly atmosphere of the fantastic or the rich spiritual depth that characterizes so much of MacDonald’s writing. 

St. George and St. Michael, Volume 1
Read by Jordan
Running Time:5:12:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

St. George and St. Michael, Volume 2
Read by Hope K and Devorah Allen
Running Time:05:57:01 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

St. George and St. Michael, Volume 3
Read by KevinS, Nancy Gorgen, Paul Brian Stewart, Kathleen Moore, April6090 and Courtney Miller
Running Time:05:56:16 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

The Marquis of Lossie
Read by Devorah Allen
Running Time:17:09:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Romance, Christian Fiction
This book is the sequel to Malcolm.

Having now learned the truth of his own parentage, and some important facts regarding the birth of his late master's daughter, Florimel, Malcolm MacPhail is faced with the difficult question of what to do with his knowledge. Armed with that knowledge, and with the commission the late Marquis gave him to care for Florimel, Malcolm makes his way to London to await his opportunity of serving her in the best way he can. 

The Miracles of Our Lord
Read by Jordan, Paul Mazumdar, Larry Wilson,Tricia G, Greg Giordano and Gloriousjob
Running Time:6:09:56 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Christianity - Other
Actions, it is often said, speak louder than words. But in the life of Christ - as George MacDonald shows - both spoke with an equal volume. Much attention is often devoted to what Jesus said while He was on earth, but many in our modern age are puzzled by the miracles. What are we to make of them? MacDonald - wise and gentle as ever - invites us into the miracles as a doorway into the inner life of Christ that we may intimately know Him and His Father. 

The Portent
Read by Beth Thomas; Gemma L Myers; Mike Pelton; Larry Wilson; Justin J Y N
Running Time:04:23:49 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Fantasy Fiction
Overshadowed by the dark legend of the murderous rider of the horse with the loose shoe, Duncan Campbell sets out from his home in the Highlands to make his fortune in the world. When he finds the woman whose destiny is mingled with his, he must overcome first her indifference, then the malice of her family, then the forces of space and time. Will he ever put to rest the old curse?

The Princess and Curdie
Read by Lizzie Driver
Running Time:6:00:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Myths, Legends & Fairy Tales
The Princess and Curdie is the sequel to The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald. It's been a year since the Princess Irene and Curdie first met, and a year since the goblin incident and all appears to be going well in the Kingdom. Or is it? After a visit from Irene's great-great-grandmother, Curdie finds himself on a mission to save the kingdom, with a rather strange companion in tow.

The Princess and the Goblin
Read by Lizzie Driver
Running Time:5:31:48 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Myths, Legends & Fairy Tales
The Princess and the Goblin is an enthralling fantasy tale written by George MacDonald. Her nurse Lootie raises the princess Irene in a house on a mountain, it is here that she meets her mysterious great-great-grandmother, and her friend the minor boy Curdie. Things are peaceful for Irene until the hideous race of goblins that live beneath the mountain start planning something big…

Through his writing George MacDonald has influenced such writers as J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis.

The Princess and the Goblin 
(Dramatic Reading)
Running Time:05:05:05 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Children's Fiction, Dramatic Readings
The story of a Princess named Irene, and her adventure with a boy named Curdie Peterson. Princess Irene meets her grandmother, and Irene wants her nurse, Lootie, to know that her grandmother is so sweet and kind. But Lootie doesn't believe there is a grandmother. One day, while it was getting very late outdoors, Lootie and the Princess loose their way, and cannot remember which way was back home. But then Curdie, the merry miner-boy, want's to save the princess from the evil goblins, and so he makes sure that they cannot get to her. The Princess then wants Curdie to meet her grandmother, but somehow, Curdie cannot see Irene's grandmother, and so he becomes angry with Irene. Much later in the story, the goblins devise an evil plan, to try and merry their prince Harelip to the Princess Irene! And now Curdie knows he must save Irene, even though he was angry with her. So after talking with his parents, Curdie goes out to save the Princess Irene from the horrible goblins. But does Curdie save the Princess? And do the goblins marry their prince Harelip to the Princess Irene? This fascinating story will tell it itself in this wonderful dramatic reading! 

Cast List:
Princess Irene: Leanne Yau
Great great grandmother Irene: TriciaG
Nurse/Lootie: JayKitty76
Curdie: Elijah Fisher
Peter Peterson: Campbell Schelp
First Miner: David Olson
Second Miner: Elsie Selwyn
Podge (Goblin Chancellor): Josh Kibbey
Podge's Wife: Foon
King Goblin: Larry Wilson
Glump: Elsie Selwyn
Irene's Father/King Papa: Aaron White
Joan Peterson: Devorah Allen
Goblin Queen: Campbell Schelp
Helfer: TJ Burns
Harelip: William White and Jasmin Salma
Housekeeper: Patty Pickens
Sir Walter: David Olson
First Guard: Aaron White
Second Guard: Elsie Selwyn
Cook: Elsie Selwyn
Scullery-Maid: thestorygirl
Questioner: Stefan Von Blon

The Seaboard Parish
Read in English by Ed Humpal; J Korth; Wesley; Natalie Paula; Jeff Robinson; Lynne Thompson; Geoff B L; Bridget Macfarlane; Jules Hawryluk; Ken Everett; Elijah; Kimberly Krause
Running Time:17:24:28 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Christian Fiction
This is Second book of Three series. All the same characters from the first book, just with a few new friends and family members. The Pastor moves up by the Sea and starts preaching at the Parish there. He and his wife have two daughters by now, who he loves so much. One of his daughters is ill, so they go to the Sea thinking the fresh air air will improve her health. While they are there, they meet an Artist whose gentlemanly ways, and strong personality wins the family's hearts, especially one of the daughter's heart. They have many adventures in the Parish. Filled with many heartwarming moments,and daring adventure.

The Shadows
Read by Catharine Eastman
Running Time:1:28:01 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Children's Fiction, Fantastic Fiction
"Old Ralph Rinkelmann made his living by comic sketches, and all but lost it again by tragic poems. So he was just the man to be chosen king of the fairies..."

George MacDonald (December 10, 1824 – September 18, 1905) was a Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister. Though no longer well known, his works (particularly his fairy tales and fantasy novels) have inspired admiration in such notables as W. H. Auden, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Madeleine L'Engle. The Shadows is one such fairy tale. The strange Shadows spend their existence casting themselves upon the walls and forming pictures of various sorts: mimicking evil actions of those who have done wrong in the hopes of causing their repentance, playing a comic dumb-show to inspire a playwright and dancing to inspire a musician, nudging a little girl to comfort her grandfather, and playing with a sick little boy as he waits for his mother to return home. The king privately pities the Shadows, for they cannot generally remember their deeds, acquaintances, or loves past a single night.

The Vicar's Daughter
Read by Jules Hawryluk, Lynne T, Sarah B, Chris Hymans, SMacDonald, Roohi, Coven, Khaghbboommm, Judy Guinan, , Kathleen Moore, Rachel and Clayton
Running Time:14:09:39 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Fictional Biographies & Memoirs, Romance, Christian Fiction
This is the third book of the 'Marshmallow' trilogy. It is a fictional autobiography written by Ethelwyn Percivale, or 'Wynnie'. Her father is a clergyman, Mr. Walton, whose history has already been told in "A Quiet Neighborhood", the first of the three books. Wynnie has a happy childhood and falls in love with a struggling artist. It is about Wynnie and her family, and her little circle of old and new friends. We learn much about the poor of society of that time. This book is set in the real, every-day world, and our narrator is serious when she calls her life ''quiet and ordinary''. Though there are some exciting incidents, visits made, and long conversations about God. This book is delightful to listen to.

The Wise Woman
Read by Nathan
Running Time:2:57:23 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Myths, Legends & Fairy Tales
The Wise Woman fairy tale was one of MacDonald’s more popular works. This delightful story describes how a woman of mysterious powers pays visits to two very different young girls: one a princess, the other a shepherd’s daughter. Neither girl is left unchanged by the startling events that are unleashed as a result: and the reader is confronted by astonishing fairy-worlds in which the girls are forced to choose between good and evil.

The Wise Woman has been subsequently republished under various titles, including:
- The Lost Princess, and
- A Double Story. 

There and Back
Read in English by Devorah Allen; Joe Selah; Jenno; C Sinclair; Hannah Mary; La-Foy; Lenore Rose; Holly;
 Jane Grey; Lily; Lisa Villado; George Emerson; Marina; CTR; Weezer
Running Time:17:08:02 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Published 1800 -1900, Christian Fiction
An unscrupulous baronet is left a widower and couldn't care less what happens to his ugly newborn heir. But when an icy stepmother moves in and the child is stolen away by his loving nurse, what can unfold but a riveting account of the years of mystery, drama, love and lessons for which MacDonald's writings are known. (Sequel to Thomas Wingfold, Curate and "Paul Faber, Surgeon") 

Thomas Wingfold, Curate
Read by John Schuurman, Chessie Joy, David Wales, TinaNygard, Lynne T, Anna Roberts, Keri Ford, KHand, Jon Smith, Miyune, Larry Wilson, Thomas A. Copeland, Phil Schempf, Blaze Dragon, TriciaG, Ellen Preckel, , Françoise and ToddHW
Running Time:18:48:09 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Christian Fiction
Republished in modern times as "The Curate's Awakening". A young man (Thomas Wingfold) "enters the church" through no real faith and only for want of something to do. After an encounter with a brash young atheist, he is thrown into an emotional, spiritual, and vocational crisis. Through his own doubts and through developing clarity gained from the counsel of a singular friend, he begins a slow journey toward faith, or - as he would put it - "a lovely hope." 

Unspoken Sermons
Read by David Baldwin
Running Time:19:12:49 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Non-fiction, Religion
MacDonald's theology, though sprinkled liberally throughout his fairly substantial number of books, is perhaps nowhere more palpable than in Unspoken Sermons. These sermons, though by no means amongst the most popular of MacDonald's work, have had theological impact from their first appearance. That influence is probably most notable in C.S. Lewis who called MacDonald "my master" and of Unspoken Sermons said, "My own debt to this book is almost as great as one man can owe to another."

More recent influence can be seen in Michael Phillips' 2005 edited edition of some of MacDonald's sermons in which he states:
"MacDonald saw things differently. Doctrinal formula was nothing to him. His unique perspective takes some getting used to. I find that many passages require two or three readings. But I also find spiritual gold awaiting me, sometimes buried deep but always ready to shine out brilliantly from the page when suddenly I see it. Theologically, too, as imaginatively, I have discovered many doors of delight opening before me into new worlds of wonder about God and his work."

What's Mine's Mine
Read by Hannah Mary
Running Time:15:11:45 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): General Fiction
Set in the invigorating wilds of Scotland, clans are crumbling and emigrating as their homeland is bought out from under them. The characters quickly become your friends as you identify with and learn from their struggles and joys. Contrasts abound between true and false (or shallow) relationships, convictions, morals, and faith.

Within and Without: A Dramatic Poem 
(Dramatic Reading)
Running Time:04:26:39 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Genre(s): Dramatic Readings, Narratives
Brother Julian became a monk because he thought that was how he would find God. But now, feeling further away from God than ever and rejected by his brother monks, he decides to break his monk's vows and re-enter into the world and the complicated relationships it holds.

This dramatic poem was MacDonald's first published work. While it was not a financial success, it is interesting to a student or fan of MacDonald, because it explores themes and ideas that would continue to characterize his work later in life. 

Cast List:
Julian: Larry Wilson
Brother Robert: redrun
Brother Stephen: Alan Mapstone
First Monk: Inkell
Second Monk: ToddHW
Third Monk: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Fourth Monk: David Purdy
Abbot: Stefan Von Blon
Nurse: Lynette Caulkins
Man: Adrian Stephens
Woman: Agnes Robert Behr
Host: Elijah Fisher
Hostess: Joanna Michal Hoyt
First Servant: redrun
Second Servant: David Purdy
Count Nembroni: Addison Cooper
Lilia: Jenn Broda
Steward: ToddHW
Waggoner: Inkell
Mob 1: B.J. Allen
Mob 2: redrun
Mob 3: Inkell
Mob 4: Norah Nelson
First Gentleman: ToddHW
Second Gentleman: Inkell
Third Gentleman: B.J. Allen
Lily: Adalyn Cooper
Lord Seaford: Greg Giordano
Lady Gertrude: Sarah Foster
Bernard: Elijah Fisher
Organ Boy: Sonia
First Student: Addison Cooper
Second Student: David Purdy
Third Student: redrun
First Woman: Inkell
Second Woman: Agnes Robert Behr
Third Woman: Norah Nelson
Jew: Inkell
Angel: David Purdy
Narrator: Devorah Allen

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Public domain 

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.