This is a 1990 Marvel Impel 52 Card Lot featuring characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man, X-Men, and Avengers franchises. The set includes characters such as Baron Zemo, Blob, Dazzler, Dormammu, Juggernaut, Lizard, Bullseye, Doctor Octopus, Punisher, Colossus, Rogue, Wasp, Quasar, The Thing, Captain Britain, Cloak, Spider-Man, Electro, Mandarin, Nightmare, and Havok. The cards are made of card stock and come in a standard size. The set includes features such as base set, collectors edition, rookie, 1st edition, and chase.

6 The Thing
13 Dazzler x4
15 Quasar x2
33 Human Torch x4
35 Havok x3
36 Colossus
40 Captain Britain x3
41 Rogue
44 Punnisher's Battle Van x2
50 Cloak
51 The Wasp x3
53 Baron Zemo x3
55 Juggernaut x4
56 Nightmare x2
58 Electro x3
59 Doctor Octopus x3
64 Bullseye x2
67 Lizard x2
69 Dormammu
71 The Blob x5
76 Mandarin
97 Captain America vs The Red Skull