You are ordering one seal for the  15L sausage filler. The seal fits plunger with diameter 215mm

Replacing a silicone seal on your sausage filler is a straightforward process. 
To watch how-to video, search for "How to fit new silicone seal to your sausage filler", or 
follow these steps for a seamless replacement: created by AI )

Prepare Your Work Area: Start by clearing a clean and spacious workspace. Ensure you have all necessary tools and replacement parts handy.
Power Off and Disconnect: Before beginning any maintenance, switch off and unplug your sausage filler from the power source for safety.
Access the Seal: Locate the silicone seal on your sausage filler. This may require removing any casing or protective covers to access the seal properly.
Remove the Old Seal: Carefully remove the old silicone seal from its groove. Use a flat-head screwdriver or similar tool to gently pry it out if necessary. Ensure you remove any remaining residue from the groove.
Clean the Area: Thoroughly clean the groove where the old seal was seated. Use a mild detergent and water to remove any dirt, grease, or debris. Ensure the area is completely dry before proceeding.
Install the New Seal: Take the new silicone seal and align it with the groove on the sausage filler. Press firmly and evenly along the length of the seal to ensure a snug fit. Double-check that the seal is properly seated and secure.
Test for Leaks: Once the new seal is in place, perform a quick leak test. Fill the sausage filler with water or a similar liquid and observe for any signs of leakage around the seal. If there are no leaks, you're good to go!
Reassemble and Test: If everything looks good, reassemble any casing or covers you removed earlier. Plug in and power on your sausage filler, then test its operation to ensure everything is functioning correctly.