Mixed Lot fo 24 Science fiction novels.  Mostly vintage and all but one are mass market paperbacks.  Many with quite a bit of wear - conditions vary from acceptable to excellent.  See photos.  Publishers vary from Del Ray, Ballantine, Avon, Tor, Ace, etc.

Poul Anderson:
Operation Chaos (x 2 - different covers)
Maurai & Kith
Orbit Unlimited
The Enemy Stars

Alan Dean Foster:
Splinter of the Mind's Eye
Sentenced to Prism
For Lover of Mother-Not

L. Sprague de Camp:
Divide and Rule
The Compleat Enchanter (w Fletcher Pratt)

Other Authors:
The Gaurdian - Angus Wells
Split Infinity - Piers Anthony
The Long Tomorrow - Leigh Brackett
None But Man - Gordon Dickson
Second Foundation - Isaac Asimov
Catch a Falling Star - John Brunner
Gateway - Frederick Pohl
Farmer In the Sky - Robert A. Heinlein
Earth Abides - Georde R. Stewart
Rocannon's World - Ursula K. Le Guin
The Book of Lost Tales 2 - J. R. R. Tolkein

Terry Brooks - The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara (hardback with dust jacket)