1812 : Letter from a cuirassier captain on the russian campaign (english edition)

When you saber the others, when you are in motion, the fire that animates you removes all kind of thinking”.
Neither misfortune, nor deprivation, nor suffering, nor wounds, nor life, nor death can affect my military character”.

Lieutenant in the 9th Cuirassier Regiment Claude Oriot is adjutant-major since September 1811. His commission is sent to him personally by General Beurnonville, accompanied by a rather flattering letter announcing his upcoming appointment as captain. Things are done on March 21, 1812; captain Oriot has just left the small town of Hildesheim for Russia at the head of his company of cuirassiers and began the story of his campaign in a letter to his sister...

NEW self-published book (64 pages) : the original letter has been translated, presented and annotated in 64 pages ; needs 10 working days for printing on demand then delivery. Also available on Amazon.

Smolensk, La Moskowa, Borodino, Malojarolawetz, Winkowo, Elbing, Niemen, Mojaïsk, 9th cuirassiers regiment, Murat-Sestrières, général Queunot, Saint-Germain, 1er corps de cavalerie Nansouty, Grande Armée, Bérézina, Beresina.