at Barista Boutique we sell service and repair prosumer coffee machines including Gaggia Classics, La Pavoni europiccola, Rancilio Silvia and all e61 style machines look us up on google to find out more

The Gaggia Classic - probably  best selling domestic  coffee machine in the UK for the last 30 years ! We regularly get asked to service 15-20 year old Gaggia Classics that with a good service and spruce up are still going strong today.

A brief history:

The Classic was a development of the already popular Gaggia Coffee in the mid to late '90s. The main upgrade was the introduction of the 3 way solenoid which allowed the user to remove the group handle almost immediately after use to be able to make drinks without having to wait for the head to depressurise. They also redesigned the switch board and upgraded the stainless steel body. The Classic was rightly named as it has certainly become just that!

In 2014 Phillips acquired Gaggia through acquisition of Saeco and quickly decided to redesign the mechanics of the machine and introduced some new features, including an eco mode auto shut down facility, a stainless steel boiler as used in other Philips models at the time, a new all aluminium group head and a modern switch panel of push button switches. They also moved manufacturing out of Italy.

Although the Stainless boiler was an improvement its integrated aluminium head unfortunately proved not to be so. The aluminium does not retain heat as well as the original brass head and the composite liners ware quickly causing the head to leak at the portafilter when under pressure. This was a fault that for a long time was unrepairable although I think replacement heads are available these days. 

These issues rapidly affected the reputation of what up, until then, had been considered great machine and in turn affected sales. 
To give them their due once these issues were highlighted Philips did a complete turnaround and since 2018 returned manufacturing to Italy and replaced the boiler and head back to its original configuration. They upgraded a few other parts in 2019 and it's fair to say the latest models are definitely back to their previous quality.

The machine for sale:

We sell service and repair coffee espresso machines including the Gaggia Classic and recently acquired this 2016 model as a px for another machine. Knowing it's history, before reselling this Classic,  we have replaced the Philips boiler and head with the traditional brass group head and Aluminium boiler both of which have been serviced and deep cleaned with brand new seals fitted. 

This machine now has the advantages of the upgraded Philips electronics but with the better quality head - win win !!

Further upgrades could be made and we would be happy to do these at the buyers request (additional cost) i.e brass shower screen holder, edesia traditional style steam wand  replacement

Free post is RM tracked 48 you are also welcome to collect from our workshop and showroom just outside Bath for a pre purchase demo