"The Mill Stream" - steel etching, 1890's.  From the original painting by V. Brozik, engraved by Slocombe and published by Virtue Co., London..

Everyone who is fond of country rambles in search of the picturesque must have observed how aptly some of the works of man - a moss-grown water mill, an ivy-covered church, or even a thatched cottage - seem to have grown into the scene of which they form a part.  Every landscape artist looks instinctively for this chief point of interest in choosing his subjects, and Mr. Slocombe has found his in the Old Mill, to which the eye is irresistibly carried by the steadily moving waters of the mill-race, embowering it in deep woods with green meadows on either hand and showing it beneath the delicate tracery of the birch tree in the foreground.

Size of the image: 7" x 10".  Print is in excellent condition, printed on heavy paper.  Light age toning.