Standing 16 inches tall and 10 1/2 inches wide and weighing  9 1/2 lbs., this vase is an incredible hand creation in blown cased glass. The body is canary yellow, topped with a flaring neck of cobalt blue. Thin threads of yellow glass wrap over the blue neck, spiraling  upward to the plump yellow lip at the mouth.

This wonderful "B.A.G." Barovier & Toso  Art Glass vase was created around 1980 in the Czech Republic. It has it's original sticker and although the hand etched signature on the bottom inside the cased glass reads simply "Design B.A.G.," this piece is attributed to the renowned Czech designer Rony Plesl.

The vase is in fine condition with no damage beyond a few scratches on the bottom. The original round sticker on its side is for Barovier & Toso, an Italian company that specializes in luxury Venetian glass. The sticker reads: "Made in Czech Republic, B.A.G., A Division of Barovier & Toso."  Another printed paper label (unknown purpose) is also still attached, to the bottom.

The designer Rony Plesl ranks among the world’s top artists in the field of glass sculpture. He was trained by Murano master glassmakers, and is a graduate of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. There he has been the head of the Glass Studio since 2008 and Professor of Design and Architecture since 2017.

Rony Plesl is also currently considered one of the best and most famous of Czech product designers.  He creates interior design, designs for small and mass production, and creates limited collections under his own brand. He collaborates with a number of glass factories and major glass manufacturers in the Czech Republic and abroad.