100% complete.  The pieces are in excellent condition.  The motorised train is tested and working - batteries not included.  The signal piece is a replacement.  Box has some wear and has had some sellotape used on it.

All was quiet at wellsworth Station, but Thomas was an early riser. He yawned and waited patiently for his driver to couple up Annie and Clarabel. "How about an early morning trip round the track to the new drawbridge?" suggested Thomas. "What a good idea" exclaimed Annie and Clarabel together. When the signal turned green, off they chugged. "There it is!" peeped Thomas, as they approached the red drawbridge. The little engine wheeeshed across the drawbridge then headed back towards Wellsworth just in time to collect his passengers.

Thomas and his faithful coaches Annie and Clarabel can take different journeys all the time on this wonderful looped playset. With two points rails you can choose which track Thomas will take. The stop/start rail means Thomas can take a rest while picking up passengers outside Wellsworth Station. The drawbridge automatically lowers and raises for Thomas.