This listing includes two spirit vessels up for adoption. Marjorie (Maria) inhabits an 8-inch porcelain doll wearing a red dress and white apron. Her vessel is missing her left foot. Her friend Tara inhabits an 8-inch porcelain doll with blonde hair; she is wearing a blue and white dress.

Tara and Maria are both “Road Openers,” spirits that remove obstacles from the paths of their devotees. Tara is inclined towards immediate assistance specifically by turning bad into good and Maria has been known to gradually soothe illnesses that cause redness such as rashes, mosquito bites, etc. Since they are Road Openers, offerings will be a must - Tara prefers her offerings to be in the form of a gift to another person or spirit and Maria prefers incense or red flowers.

Maria’s aura has appeared to me as yellow but at other times as cherry red. Tara’s aura is consistently green.

When my grandmother passed away, she left me a number of items from her estate, including some dolls. As far as I know, grandma was not a doll collector least not on purpose - I would describe her more like a hoarder. So I don't think she knew what the dolls in her storage unit really were all about. After I brought the dolls home, strange things started happening. I did some investigating and found out that paranormal activities occur in dolls and other objects, and guess what, some of grandma's dolls showed signs of this. Over the past many years, with help from a mentor, I evaluated each of grandma's dolls and found that several of them exhibited signs. I decided to rehome the ones whose needs I wouldn’t be able to meet, and did so over time. I was lucky and thankful to be able to find some wonderful people to adopt those captivating and sometimes quirky spirits. I have been doing this for a while but I am new to Etsy after taking a few months off. See below for a few reviews from my old storefront.

My current and future listings are from estate sales etc as I came to learn how to evaluate the paranormal activity, if any, of a doll (or "vessel"). I am an academic and sometimes I go a little overboard with knowing as much as possible about things so some of the listings will include some historical data connected to the spirit's lifetime that I was able to find during my research.

Each spirit vessel gets at least a 4 week evaluation period so that I can provide you with the most information possible to make your adoption decision. This means time and space in my home which then leads to more value for you in the form of a stronger start to your relationship with the spirit residing in the vessel.

New to spirit dolls? Check out my listing for Caring For Your Spirit Vessel: The Basics [ebook].

Buy with caution. This listing is for a tangible item, sold as-is. Any reliance you place on this vessel is strictly at your own risk. In accordance with Etsy's guidelines, I must state that all information on the spirit occupants is for entertainment purposes only.