Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test™

Randy W. Kamphaus, PhD, and Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD


Measures general intelligence QUICKLY!


Paper and pencil

Age range:

3 years to 94 years


10-15 minutes

The RIST™ Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test™ is the abbreviated version of the well respected RIAS. 

Both test are now in their second editions since 2015. This 1st Ed is still being sold by PAR and being used by clinicians.

The RIST is ideal for identifying individuals who may need assessment of intelligence in a variety of settings- nursing home, preschool, group home, preschool and middle school entrance exam, etc.

This general cognitive aptitude screener can be useful in clinical and school practice when a global estimate of intelligence is all that is needed. It is paper and pencil test (no software included or needed) that can be used from age 3 to 93.


Both RIAS editions (long form) are suitable for evaluation of intellectual giftedness and high scores are accepted as qualifying evidence for high IQ societies such as Intertel (min. IQ 135) and Mensa (min. IQ 130)

This instrument will administer as a stand alone brief IQ test with just the 3 items provided in the box. The kit is brand new and the outside of box is scuffed as shown.

Exact items in this 100% complete quick test:


RIAS/RIST Professional Manual

- $244.00


RIST Record Forms (pkg/25)

- $90.00


RIAS/RIST Stimulus Book 1

- $181.00

TOTAL= $515.00 + tax and ship

*The manual and record forms can be used with *BOTH* the RIAS and RIST.

Relatively simple to administer and requires less training than most tests! 🙂