There were 3 different years of - 10 cent coins with W stamped on them,
indicating  that they were minted in Winnipeg 
1998 - 2000 - 2003
The 2003 actually had WP - which signified that it was a plated coin.


Use combined shipping to reduce the cost of these coins

Additional coins ship for 50 cents each

(You can ask for an invoice before you pay OR

I will reimburse you after the sale 

I don’t spend a lot of time at the computer)


If you are looking for a ‘certain’ coin, - put the coins in order - TIME ENDING SOONEST


I DO NOT drive to town each day (8kms.)

1/ My shipments go to a mail box, which is picked up by the mailman

2/ they arrive at our post office in the late afternoon

3/ then they are sorted (hopefully) the next day

4/ then they are taken to Ottawa for auto-sorting

5/ so, this ‘detour’ adds a few days to west bound mail

If you are concerned with your order , - PLEASE contact me directly via email, - I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU.