Chia Seed Oil 2000mg.

 Source of Omega 3-6-9 Nutrition.
Supports Heart Health and Immune System.
(6 Bottles, 360 Softgels)
Made In USA

Chia Seeds Oil Overview:

May Supports Heart Health: Chia seeds can help reduce blood pressure. The seeds contain one of the highest known plant sources of essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6). EFAs cannot be synthesized by our bodies however, it is very important that we get enough to support our immune, cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems. EFA deficiency is quite common in North America.
May Stabilizes Blood Sugar: Chia seeds slow down the rate at which complex carbohydrates are digested and then assimilated into the body. The soluble fiber helps to stabilize blood glucose levels resulting in steady, sustained energy. In one study was found that blood was thinner and less prone to clotting and blood pressure of participants dropped significantly, after three months of taking Chia seeds daily.
Energizing: The word “Chia” comes from the Mayan language and means strength. Chia seeds are a balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. It is said that 1 tablespoon of Chia can sustain a person for 24 hours. Athletes have reported that Chia seeds help them perform at optimal levels for much longer periods of time.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: A number of arthritis sufferers have reported reduced pain and inflammation after a few weeks of taking Chia seeds. The high concentration of omega-3 helps to lubricate joints and keep them supple. Additionally, Omega-3s are converted into prostaglandins which are known to have both pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects.
Weight Loss: The essential fatty acids contained in Chia seeds helps to boost metabolism and promote lean muscle mass. The seeds are sometimes added to food to provide bulk and nutrients while adding very few calories. For these reasons, many people have found Chia quite useful in weight loss and weight maintenance.
Detoxification and Elimination: Similar to psyllium, the swelling action of Chia in the body helps to cleanse and soothe the colon, and absorb toxins while lubricating and strengthening peristaltic action.
High Quality Protein: Chia seeds contain about 20% protein, a higher percentage than found in many other grains such as wheat and rice. Chia seeds contain strontium which helps to assimilate protein and produce high energy.
Antioxidants: Chia seeds are an excellent source of antioxidants containing even more antioxidants than fresh blueberries. The high amounts of antioxidants in Chia seeds also keeps the oils from going rancid - contributing to a long shelf life.

Chia seeds are high in:

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids
Vitamin C

Benefits Of Chia Seeds Oil:

Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family. Salvia hispanica seed is often sold under its common name "chia" as well as several trademarked names. Its origin is believed to be in Central America where the seed was a staple in the ancient Aztec diet. The seeds of a related plant, Salvia columbariae (golden chia), were used primarily by Native Americans in the southwestern United States.Chia seeds have recently gained attention as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid. They are also an excellent source of fiber at 10 grams per ounce (about 2 tablespoons), and contain protein and minerals including as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc.Emerging research suggests that including chia seeds as part of a healthy diet may help improve cardiovascular risk factors such as lowering cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. However, there are not many published studies on the health benefits of consuming chia seeds and much of the available information is based on animal studies or human studies with a small number of research participants.Chia Seed oil is cold-pressed, unrefined and it comes in softgels. Chia Seed Oil is 100% animal free, and guaranteed for purity, freshness and labeled potency. Chia Seed Oil typically contains: Alpha-Linolenic Acid (Omega-3) Linoleic Acid (Omega-6), Oleic Acid (Omega-9).Research into the health benefits of chia is gaining ground, but it only adds to what people have already known for centuries: this is a potent superfood. The healthful nutrients in chia seeds are good for your overall health, but there are also some specific benefits that you can expect to see if you add them into your smoothie diet.

Chia Seeds Increase Brain power:

Do you want to increase your brain power and body strength with one of the most powerful foods imaginable? Chia seed provides ample calcium and protein to your tissues.  The seeds are also rich in boron, which helps the body assimilate and use calcium.  The nutrients also support proper brain functioning.Chia seeds come from a flowering plant from the mint family, Salvia hispanica L. They can come in white, black, or dark brown varieties. The word chia is derived from a word that means oily, as chia seeds are rich in fatty acids. They can be eaten whole or milled into a ground powder. To take advantage of the many benefits of chia seeds, simply add the seeds or powder to almost any meal.Chia contains boron, which is a trace mineral that enhances the absorption of calcium into the bones. The seeds are also high in calcium, and iron. Three and a half ounces of the seeds have been shown to contain as much omega-3 as twenty-eight ounces of salmon, as much calcium as three cups of milk, and as much iron as five cups of raw spinach. The same three and a half ounces of chia seeds also contains an amount of potassium that is equivalent to one and a half bananas, and the same amount of vegetable protein as a cup and a half of kidney beans.Unlike flaxseeds, chia seeds do not need to be ground in order to optimize nutritional benefits. The seeds are versatile and can be sprinkled on cereal, yogurt, and salads or even incorporated into smoothies.One of the simplest ways to incorporate chia into your diet is to make chia gel. Mix 1/3 cup of chia seeds with two cups of water and whisk it. Let it stand for a few minutes and whisk it again to prevent clumps. Within 10-15 minutes, the seeds will form a gel, which can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Consume the gel on its own, mix it with cereal or granola, or use it to substitute fats/oils in recipes. Some people like to take a small scoop of the gel and mix it with water and lime for a refreshing and nutritious drink.Chia seeds have a mild flavor and tend to absorb the flavors of whatever they are mixed with. Stir a dash of maple syrup and cinnamon into the gel, add a scoop of granola and a scoop of blueberries and you’ll have a delicious, energizing, healthy breakfast. Enjoy!


Chia Seed Oil 1000 mg
which typically contains: 
Alpha-Linolenic Acid (Omega-3) 630mg
Linoleic Acid (Omega-6) 210mg
Oleic Acid (Omega-9) 72mg

Directions: Take 2 capsules 30 minutes before meals with an 8oz glass of water. Amount per serving:Serving Size: 2 Capsules Servings per container: 30

Quality Guaranteed:To ensure that our Formula contains best ingredients, we meticulously analyze every batch in our labs to guarantee the highest quality.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.