St. Francis Cross from the Universal Crosses Collection   

Approximate size 2 cm=0,79 inches

"Often referred to as the cross of the Old Testament or of St. Anthony the Abbot, since he is represented with it in the images of him. This cross of Tau, I remember the lines that the Israelites traced with the blood of the lamb on the jambs and the lintel of their houses on the holy night of their liberation, night that prefigures the Christian Passover, in which the Lamb is Christ himself.

A Tau cross is often represented as the pole on which Moses lifted up the brazen serpent in the wilderness. The letter "Tau" of the Greek alphabet is the letter A of the Hebrew alphabet, representing the idea of wholeness, of the oneness of human life. St. Francis of Assisi felt especially attached to it, signing correspondence with this symbol in place of his own signature."

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