Fly Fish TV "How To" Video Series


Maggie Merriman is one of the "Legends of Fly Fishing" who has spent over thirty years sharing her knowledge of the sport with students and audiences alike. Maggie teaches her fly fishing schools out of West Yellowstone, Montana, where she helped pioneer fly fishing on the regions rich trout waters.

Moving Water Techniques need to be mastered if you are going to be a success- ful angler. In this one-hour production Maggie divides the stream into quadrants and shows you the casts and tactics required by each. Her polished delivery makes it easy for you to visualize each type of presentation.

A Good Dead Drift is what your fly needs if it is going to catch fish. Maggie outlines each step you need to make this happen. Every- thing from a half dozen specialized fishing casts to four ways to manage your fly line are covered. Dry fly fishing and nymphing both are addressed in this graphic instructional.

directed by:

Gene Hering

Outdoor Media Productions

Fly Fish TV

a production of: Cascade Mediaworks, LLC Portland, OregonĀ© 2004

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