This is a rare hardcover edition of "The Green Lantern" graphic novel series, written by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Liam Sharp and Steve Oliff. The book features a collection of volumes 1-4 and is a must-have for fans of superheroes and science fiction. The series follows the adventures of several characters, including Myrwhydden, Green Lantern Corps Hal Jordan, Flashlight (Hank Hallmark), Power-Boy, Trilla-Tru, Venizz, Hyperboy, Maxima, Superwoman of Staryl (Luma Lynai), Galactic Guru (Joz) (Earth 47 Universe), Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris) (Earth 15), Unnamed Heroine (Possibly Solarwoman, See Indexer Notes), Qwa-Man Anti-Man, Green Lantern (Stel), Medphyll, Thaal Sinestro, Green Lantern (Chriselon), Green Lantern (Kai-Ro) (Future Green Lantern, Member of Justice League in Batman Beyond Timeline), Hyper-Man, Green Lantern (Abin Sur) (Earth 20), see pictures and ask me any questions