Skin problems come in many shapes. As the lifestyle of ordinary people has changed, health drops dramatically, which is clearly reflected on the skin. We live in a place where air pollution affects air, water, food and what it doesn't. This affects us all in some way. The toxins penetrate our bodies and blood, contaminating every healthy organ. The air pollution and dust are inhaled by us throughout the day and thus begins the process of early aging. The skin must therefore deal with dryness, wrinkles, pimples, skin blemishes, etc.

Aloe vera moisturizer gel is an excellent Ayurvedic cream for dry skin. This herbal gel is made from pure aloe vera extract in the form of a powerful ingredient that has many benefits. Above all, it is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, which ensure tension, natural glowing, and softness of the skin. In addition, this dry skin herbal cream eliminates problems such as wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, pimples, crow's feet, eczema, cuts, or burns. This is because the natural property of aloe vera is to eliminate any skin problem, even if it is spots, scars, or any type of allergy.

The moisturizing aloe vera gel is good for oily and dry skin. If a person has dry skin, this product provides sufficient moisture, and on the other hand, if someone has oily skin, the product removes unnecessary moisture and gives it sufficient glow.

Does aloe vera moisturizer gel cause side effects?
No, the aloe vera moisturizer gel does not cause any side effects.

How long do I need this herbal cream for dry skin?
It is an average number of 3 to 4 months that a person would need to restore their skin health. Depending on your skin condition, you may also take more or less time.

How do you use this Ayurvedic dry skin cream?
Take a small amount of aloe vera gel and apply it to your face or other affected part. Follow the process at the beginning and end of the day.

What is the preferred diet during the course?
No one has to follow a particular eating plan. Make sure you stay away from fatty, spicy, and sugary foods.


Ayurvedic Research Foundation

Plastic sealed glass packaging

50 g per pack

Aloe Vera Extract