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1946 Treasure Island Basil Rathbone 12" 78 RPM 3-Record Album

Record Grade per VJM Standard: V+

Robert Louis Stevenson
Adapted by Ralph rose
Produced by les mitchel
Chorus under the direction of Richard davis
The Cast
Narrator and John Silver. BASIL RATHBONE
Jim Hawkins.................-...dix davis
Billy Bones.................. ken Christy...................
Squire Trelawney......raymond lawrence
Captain Smollett...........richard aherne
Pirate......................Joseph granby
Ben Gunn.....................harry lang
Set M-MM 553
Robert Louis Stevenson was thirty-one
years old when he started to write Treasure
Island. The original title was The Sea Cook,
and the idea for the story was suggested by
a large, brightly colored map that he once
made to entertain a small schoolboy who lived
near his home and whose friendship Steven-
son had cultivated.
Stevenson was quite modest about the origi-
nality of Treasure Island, and admitted that
there were elements in the plot that were pos-
sibly contained in other stories. In his own
foreword to Treasure Island he says: No
doubt the parrot once belonged to Robinson
Crusoe, and other elements of the story can
be found in Edgar Allan Poe. Once I chanced
to pick up Tales of a Traveler and was sur-
prised to find in that book Captain Billy
Bones, his chest, and a good deal of material
Basil Rathbone
detail of my first chapters. In fact, the whole
inner spirit appeared to be the property of
Washington Irving.”
Stevenson’s concept of the originality of
some of the material proved to be of little
importance to his readers, however, for Treas-
ure Island became one of the most successful
— if not the best known — of all his books,
and remains, as always, a glorious adventure
to all not acquainted with the story, and a
thesaurus of continuing thrills and interest to
those who have read it again and again.
Through the medium of phonograph rec-
ords, Treasure Island literally comes to life.
The stormy oaths of Long John Silver are no
longer mere written bellowings on the printed
page to be punctuated with an exclamation
point. His rough and raucous voice is there
to be heard, as is the chattering of the parrot,
the dying groans of Billy Bones, and the bat-
tle between the ship’s officers and the mutin-
ous pirates in all its exciting detail.
In this album Basil Rathbone, star of stage,
screen, and radio, adds another brilliant per-
formance to his long list of superb character-
izations on Columbia Records, which include
Scrooge in Dickens’ Christmas Carol, and the
Narrator in Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf,
not to forget his reading of Edna St. Vincent
Millay’s The Murder of Lidice. Best known
perhaps for his interpretation of Sherlock
Holmes, Mr. Rathbone in Treasure Island
demonstrates his unlimited versatility by his
performance as both Long John Silver and
the Story Teller.