Hawthorn Extract 665mg

Cardiovascular Support, Reduce Stress,
Promote Heart Health, Reduce Cholesterol,
Support Circulatory Function,Aid Indigestion,
Prevent liver Problems, Reduce High Blood Pressure.
3 Bottles, 180 Capsules
Made In USA

What Is Hawthorn Extract?

The scientific name of Hawthorn is Crataegus. However, Hawthorn is not a single herb but a large family of shrubs and trees that belong to the Rosaceae family. Hawthorn plants are found in different parts of the world and the term Hawthorn is applied for the entire genus. Predominantly, the herb is found in temperate regions such as North America, Europe and Asia.Originally, Crataegus Monogyna also known as the ‘common hawthorn’ found in Europe was known as the real hawthorn. However, today there is no such hawthorn herb which is known as the real hawthorn. As a plant, hawthorn is a thorny shrub that can reach up to a height of 5 feet and can be mostly seen inside forests & hillsides. The herb blooms only in the month of May with red, white and pink colored clustered flowers. The entire family of Hawthorn produces two kinds of berries – red and black. For medicinal preparations the leaves, berries and flowers of the herb are used.

What Are the Health Benefits of Hawthorn Extract?
  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Aid indigestion
  • Prevent liver problems
  • Reduce high blood pressure
Hawthorn, also known as mayflower, is a member of the rose family, whose flowers, leaves and fruits have been used for food and medicine since the Neolithic period. Ancient Greeks regarded hawthorn as a symbol of hope and fertility and featured the flowers in wedding ceremonies. In modern times, hawthorn is used primarily for its purported heart-healthy benefits.Hawthorn offers a wide range of effects on the human body such as – anti-oxidant, cardiac tonic, anti-inflammatory, digestant, anti-spasmodic, hyper & hypo tensive, cellular proliferator, vasodilator etc. An active antioxidant, hawthorn works to remove free radicals from the body and relieve toxic issues. The herb also helps improve the function of the cardiovascular system. Stimulating dilation of the arteries, the herb improves blood flow throughout the body, which also improves the strength and rhythm of the heartbeat and regulates blood pressure levels. The herb also functions to clarify the arteries and heart, removing plaque and other built-up debris.

Mythical Powers of the Hawthorn Extract:

The May flowering of the Hawthorne tree used to be considered a sacred event among pagans who believed that the tree had special protective powers.In order to benefit from the magic power, ancient peoples indulged in a range of superstitious practices with the Hawthorn tree. For example, ancient Greeks burned Hawthorn wood at weddings and gave the blossoms to the bride and groom for their safety. The Hawthorn also protected the womb of the bride and encouraged fertility.The leaves of the Hawthorn tree were placed alongside any newborn in a cradle to ensure their survival. The Hawthorn could protect the children and the house from demonic spirits and witches.One reason Hawthorn was linked to the protection of kids and nuptials was because it was the symbol of minor Roman goddess Cardea. Cardea presided over marriage and babies, using the branches and leaves of the Hawthorn tree as her tools. She was called “White Goddess” likely after the white buds of the Hawthorn.Eventually, the power of the goddess became associated with the tree itself. Cardea is not credited for creating Hawthorn, however. That credit goes to the God Thor, who created the tree with a zap of lightning, according to legend. Because of that, Hawthorn was also thought to protect people during thunderstorms.Today, Hawthorn is still believed to have protective energy, but not the superstitious kind. Many scientific studies have led to proof that Hawthorn can have a curative effect on the body.Hawthorn herb properties include a number of elements that have various health benefits for humans including heart and blood pressure problems. It contains antioxidant flavonoids like OPC which can help in improving the flow of blood and widening blood vessels to protect them from damages. The leaves, flowers and berries of this plant are used for making various medicines due to their antioxidant properties. But these days flowers and leaves are used more in medicines than berries as they contain comparatively more flavonoids.

Hawthorn Extract A Natural Way to Boost Heart Health:

Centuries away from it’s original use of deterring evil spirits, a lot of medical professionals prescribe hawthorn to help in the fight against heart problems. In addition, it’s used to keep blood pressure at a minimum, as well as high cholesterol. Hawthorn is taken as a tincture or in capsule form, and is included in some herbal remedies, to protect against atherosclerosis and heart failure and to reduce blood pressure. Together with garlic, hawthorn has become one of the most popular traditional help for heart problems. Hawthorn extract is available from some health food stores. Always follow package instructions carefully. You can also make tea from dried hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries.Hawthorn, a member of the rose family, is one of the oldest natural herbal medicines used in Europe. Its use also has a long history in Native American and ancient Greek medicine. Herbalists recognized early that hawthorn held great promise for helping heart-related problems.

Hawthorn Extract And Weight Loss:

Hawthorne berry can also be used to help with weight loss. It can help reduce water retention by expelling excess salt from the body.Hawthorn was used in quite a few Chinese medicines to help with the retention of meals inside the belly. Hawthorn’s capabilities to break up fat also causes it to be useful for helping with indigestion that comes on as a result of eating greasy foods. This herb can improve overall circulation, reduce nervous tension, alleviate insomnia, lower cholesterol, and aid digestion. It can also be used to strengthen joint lining, collagen, and spinal discs. In short, it can be worth checking out for those who have heart disease or those that wish to prevent it.Hawthorn berry powder can be found in some fat burners as well as in some pre-workout supplements. It is sometimes backed with claim that it promotes healthy flow of blood throughout the body. It is believed that preparations of leaves or fruits of Crataegus pinnatifida improve the heart function. Some other hawthorn species are also used to strengthen cardiac output. Procyanidins (Proanthocyanidins), extracted from hawthorn berry, exhibit much higher anti-oxidant activity than vitamin E. Besides their potent anti-oxidant activity procyanidins also play a role in the stabilization of collagen and maintenance of elastin.Hawthorn berries may assist with the metabolic process of fat. Hawthorn vinegar also helps to reduce amounts of cholesterol in the body.

Hawthorn Berry Flower - Hawthorn Extract 665mg - Immune System Booster Pills 3B


Hawthorn Flower and Leaf extract -  565mg
(Crataegus oxyacantha)
(Standardized to 1.8% [1.8mg] Vitexin)
Garlic (Allium sativa) - 50mg
Cayenne (capsicum annuum) fruit powder - 50mg

Other Ingredients: Gelatin (capsules),  (May contain one or more of the following; rice powder, silica and magnesium stearate).

Directions:  As a dietary supplement, take one (1) or two (2) capsule(s) daily. Serving Size: 1 Capsule, Servings per container: 60

Caution: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.